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The free and balanced flow of Ki is the cause of health. It is Ki that animates the physical organs and tissues as it flows through them. Ki nourishes the organs and cells of the body, supporting them in the vital functions. When the flow of Ki is disrupted, it causes a diminished functioning within one or more of the organs and tissues of the physical body. Therefore, it is the disruption in the flow of Ki that is the main cause of illness.
When a person receives a Reiki treatment, the Rei or God Conscious part of the energy assesses where the person has blocks and then directs the healing energy, usually to block that is nearest the hands. The Reiki energy then works with the negative thoughts and feelings that are blocking one's natural flow of Ki and heals them as well. By flowing through the affected parts of the energy field and charging them with positive energy, Reiki raises the vibratory level in and around the physical body where the negative thoughts and feelings are attached. This causes the negative, denser energy to break apart and fall away. Reiki clears, straightens and heals the energy pathways, thus allowing healthy Ki to flow in a natural way. Sometimes the entire blocking energy is lifted up to a higher field of energy where it is processed. Other times, it is melted away or burned up.
Reiki Sessions for me has always been a tool of noticing what I feel and trusting my inner guidance. Learning the technique of Reiki has given me the boundaries of feeling what is mine and what isn’t. It has empowered me to be more intentional with my energy and how and where energy comes from. As an empath this practice has helped also with boundaries as I work in session but also in my day-to-day life.
Reiki is a very intentional energy healing modality. It can be used for self healing or in sessions with other people.
What is “integrative” Reiki? With my background in integrative trauma therapy and somatics , I will introduce the framework of what registers as trauma from the body's perspective. We will explore practices to meet our clients in their own integration. We are walking talking nervous systems feeling into our environment, when we understand how this works, we can apply it in session work and for ourselves practitioners.
Benefits of an Integrated Reiki session
How do we integrate Somatic Awareness into our Reiki Sessions?
Some techniques we will cover thru the 3 levels of Reiki training
Reiki 1 sets the foundations as the root of the practice. It is the first step and experience on the path. We are learning to trust guidance that we feel, and detach from actively trying to do something so we can allow for the energy and inspiration to flow freely in session.
Reiki is a practice of setting the intention, and where we will place our attention as practitioners. This container is the steadiness which allows the energy to move through us. It gets us “out of the way”. In Reiki 1, we make contact with our Reiki Guide and begin to build our relationship to our own felt sense of energy within ourselves and in reflection to our clients in session.In this Reiki
Level 1 class students will learn the history of Reiki, what Reiki is and how it heal, and several techniques to prepare for a healing session. The students learn the Reiki Power Symbol and the Reiki hand positions along with ways to integrate these together during a healing session.
This course is a combination of lecture, discussion and experience. Experience with Ki and practical knowledge. With a practitioner’s discipline and routine in place, an environment is cultivated that extends and deepens basic knowledge of the system
We will also explore the fundamentals of somatic and nervous system work in our studies to enrich our understanding of the energy patterns that may show up for ourselves, as a practitioner and for our clients. We will explore felt sense, orienting, sensory noticing, tracking and touch as a tool to regulate the nervous system.
Practice time includes how to prepare for a healing session, self treatment, giving and receiving a complete Reiki treatment using the hand positions, and using the Power Symbol and Reiki techniques. Students will receive the Power Symbol given to them through the attunement, and are initiated as Usui-Tibetan Reiki Level 1 Practitioner
NEXT Training
Sept 28 + 29, 2024
Sat 10am-4pm + Sun 10am -1pm
@ The Healing Gardens Health Center
Tuition $250
Register for all 3 Trainings for $850
$50 savings
In this Reiki Level 2 class students review the Power Symbol and knowledge learned in Reiki Level 1 class. Students gain the Mental/Emotional Symbol and the Distance Healing Symbol through their attunement. Students will gain the ability to use these additional symbols to expand their Reiki sessions by healing on physical, mental-emotional and spiritual levels. They will also have the ability to heal unwanted habits and send Reiki at a distance across time and space.
Reiki 2 focuses on the depth of human experience, the emotional and mental body. Our emotions guide us to where the energy patterns are. And often energy patterns can show up tethered in beliefs. Reiki 2 symbols are the alchemy, the purification to raise the earthly level of blocks or confusion to new awareness. The practice with these symbols intends for shifts towards acceptance and compassion which birth new energy creation. When emotions feel "triggering" or upsetting they may be trapped in beliefs of fear (not enoughness, past experiences, etc). This energy pattern can become mental loops and addictive behaviors. Reiki Session work can meet these patterns for healing.
Reiki 2 also studies distance healing, distance in space and time. Connection through space. Re-collection through time, past life experiences and future fears releasing trauma. We will practice sending distance healing to someone else and to ourselves as a soul retrival.
We will explore somatic tools to use in session to go deeper in meeting our clients needs in session. Integrating Polyvagal Theory, Vocal toning and expression in session.
Practice time includes giving and receiving a complete Reiki treatment using all of the Reiki symbols and hand positions learned in Reiki Level 1 and 2 classes, and working with energy systems and chakras. Students are initiated as Usui-Tibetan Reiki Level 2 Practitioners.
NEXT Training
July 27 +28, 2024
Sat 10am-4pm + Sun 10am -1pm
@The Movement Apothecary
Tuition $300
Advanced Reiki Master Training
This training will incorporate your level 1 & 2 training and experience and also introduce using crystals and stones with Rieki for sessions, distance healing, personal healing, goals and manifestations. You will learn your Usui master symbol as well as the yin and yang power symbols. You will be a certified Usui Tibetan Reiki Master after completing this attunement.
Reiki Master from the nervous system lens uses sound as biofeedback and somatic tools of expression to help your client step into their divine truth and trust the impulses of energy that wants to move through them.
NEXT Training
NOVEMBER 2 & 3rd
Sat 10am-4pm + Sun 10am -1pm
@The Movement Apothecary
Tuition $350
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